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Direct help
for members:
+31 412 654 060

The Alliance supports its customers in the field of alarm response, transportation assistance, Tracking & Tracing and security on location and if desired complemented by both passive and active monitoring of vehicles and drivers.

The Alliance supports its customers in the field of alarm response, transportation assistance, Tracking & Tracing and security on location and if desired complemented by both passive and active monitoring of vehicles and drivers.

Direct help
for members:
+31 412 654 060
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Our Services

Ad hoc monitoring; only monitoring and paying when you or your client wishes! So no unnecessary alarm receiving center costs if your truck and / or trailer or when transporting non precious and / or non-theft sensitive cargo. You simply send a message to your alarm receiving center and indicate that your system becomes active again after registration new drive(s).

Passive monitoring
Passive monitoring means that GPS vehicle tracking systems are permanently connected to the alarm receiving center. At first, the alarm does nothing. No position polling, no contact with the driver, no route monitoring, etc. However, the relevant GPS vehicle tracking system will be tested on daily basis to check whether or not the system is still available within the alarm receiving center, so that we can quickly switch when necessary. In the event of an incident or request of our client, this vehicle, if desired, can be actively monitored, we can contact either the driver / planning / the clients security responsible person and, if necessary, we provide alarm response (domestic + international). Our Alliance PACs in Europe have an extensive network of independent approved private alarm receiving centers and private security companies, which can provide locally or nationally support for alarm follow-up. A passive connection is actually a kind of “wait-connection” we only do something about it as soon as it becomes appropriate or necessary. Depending on the wishes of the client, market rates are charged here. In the case of services and / or alarm, response is calculated in a pre-agreed amount per hour for the time that our employees are engaged in this report and the associated monitoring.

Active monitoring
Active monitoring I means that we control 1x per hour the connected principal GPS systems status, position and possibly the driven route. There is no telephone contact with the driver! In case of deviation, so a different route, a different not pre planned parking location, an unplanned stop, etc. we directly contact the respective driver / planning, or the driver / planning will immediately contact us ( telephone, panic button etc.) for the deviation. It is therefore important that we as an alarm receiving center in advance have the correct information about route, truck drivers, etc. (see: TAPA TSR guidelines).

Active monitoring
Active monitoring means that notified transports are controlled active 1x per hour by us. The driver is called 1x per hour and the position / status of the GPS vehicle tracking system is monitored and verified on the basis of the procedures and the information the driver provided us. So, we call the driver and inquire about the status, position and special functions (where’s he going to stop, within which time bracket, at what time he expects to be at the delivery address, etc.), thereby providing a good overview of the progress of the transport and ensure maximum safety / security! In the event of a deviation or incident, we will take care of (international) alarm response. From our PAC authorization issued by the Ministry of Justice (EN-50518 / BORG PAC 2.0.), it is required that we digitally record and save all calls. For possible evaluation of journeys or emergencies we can generate reports that can be used for these purposes. For a full report of active monitoring the client will receive a specific report on daily basis that includes all details of the respective journeys. In case of an emergency, this information is essential for the completion of this specific report and will make sure that both the police and the insurance companies are fully informed before they begin an investigation. In addition, our switchboard and reporting software can generate a variety of reports When requested by a client, it is also possible to refer drivers to a so-called secure parking location within Europe so that a driver can freely enjoy his night sleep. The locations of these car parkings are known to our alarm receiving center.

Monitoring Receiving Centres Europe
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Alarm intervention
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Transport guidance or security
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Tempory or permanent Security
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Tracking & Tracing
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EuroTRAFFIC Security Alliance
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